The Fallacy of WTTT
What the heck is WTTT?
In my former life, I developed a fair amount of computer code (don’t worry, we’re not getting technical!) and one of the control mechanisms is called an “if block”. Basically, it’s used to control the flow and running of the computer program. “If this condition is true, then do something”. Ok great, but this is a boudoir blog! What’s that got to do with me? Stick with me, I’m getting there :)
Imagine that we have a goal or a dream, something we say we want. Then, we put conditions around allowing us to achieve that goal. Those conditions are meant to motivate us to pursue, to get up of our bums and do something. In reality, though, they are sticks to beat ourselves with. Take me for example, for the longest time I wanted to open my own photo studio but the timing was never right, the conditions in my if block were not met, therefore I stayed in the same job. No studio. I decided, with my Rachel (my amazing wife) that the time was right, the if statements were holding me back and working against what I wanted.
Let’s now apply that to my imaginary friend Isabella. She’s 35, married, 2 kids, and a good job. Generally happy in her life. She’s had a long-standing desire to have a boudoir photoshoot but with conditions. These conditions keep her from actually doing it. Let’s go with a single WTTT condition. Oh, I forgot to tell you what WTTT means! “When This, Then That”. Let’s say the condition is this “when I can fit into my wedding dress again, I’ll book my session”. Let’s be honest, (no, not about the dress) we use this strategy all the time with our kids. Clean your bedroom (when this) THEN we’ll go the the arcade (then that). Is it effective on them? Not really, no. Certainly not in the long term. I got 2 kids, I know.
Bringing it back to Isabella and her busy life. Should she wait until the perfect conditions to book, or should she book now? What would she say to a friend? “No, don’t book now, look won’t look nice unless you fit in your wedding dress” Of course she wouldn’t!
I feel like I might be rambling a little now :) I hope you get my point though. Don’t wait, tomorrow never comes. Now is the best time, honour who you are and how you got here. Don’t wait. The lady below didn’t, she decided she’s worth it NOW and will carry the memories with her forever.
I encourage you to look at your WTTT blocks and see if they’re really valid or, are they holding you back. You choose, it’s entirely your choice.